Saturday, January 28, 2017

Sakuracon 2016-- Gouk Fashion Show

My favorite part of Sakuracon is always the fashion aspect. I find that japanese fashion is incredible inspirational and this year was no exception. When I first heard that gouk was going to be the brand this year, I was (honestly) a little apprehensive. I didn't know much about the brand or the clothing and what I saw online I didn't really think was my aesthetic  (being the gross ghoul creature I am).  I was very, very wrong. 
The clothing was immaculate. It was interesting and unique and had an ease and grace about it that spoke very clearly of traditional Japanese clothing. Kunitomo-san had a presence that was, at times, over whelming. He has such a clear and inspiring view point and there is such detail and work into all his pieces. When I met him the first day, honestly by accident, I was very intimidated. It felt like being in the same room with someone like Alexander McQueen. Someone so creative and other worldly. He was so kind and so involved in the interactions people had with his clothing. It was really phenomenal. 

This fashion show was one of my favorites in all the years I've been to sakuracon. I wanted to buy all of it.  I loved the way things were put together, the splashes of bright colors paired with muted neutrals, the way the clothing fell effortlessly. On top of that, being able to see (touch, feel, lust after) three of the pieces he had shown at Mercedes-Benz fashion week was an opportunity that was beyond what I expected. If I had had the money, I would have left with them right then and there. (they are the last three looks shown above).

All in all, this years fashion guest and collection blew my expectations out of the water. I am so grateful and so blessed to have met Kunitomo-san in person and be able to take some of his suggestions home with me (like my skirt... because he told me I had to have it). 

Thank you, Sakuracon for bringing us together with these amazing talents yet again. <3

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sakuracon 15 DAY THREE (I wasn't dead.... I promise)

Since we’re almost at Sakuracon-2016 I figured I probably should write up and post the finale of my Sakuraco-2015. -sweats nervously-

(Seriously I am so so so so so so sorry.)

So Here we go… after much much much MUCH ADO


Sundays are always the most sad for con. Even in the beginning, when we first got up, we knew that con was coming to an end. Usually, I use Sunday as a day to wear my “casual” con wear because we’re not there for as long and there’s not as many people. But… see… I had just bought this phenomenal vest from h.naoto and…. 


Clearly, I didn't try very hard. Shirt, Vest, and Choker-- h.naoto 

It didn’t really happen that way. I just couldn’t help but be six hundred feet of fabric and glam. 

With my tiny sidekick, of course.

Amanda! Mask and shirt; Mint Neko/ Jacket; Hangry and Angry/ Harness; BCBGMaxAzria 

We went ahead and made our rounds.

Stopping in to see our friends. 

Buying a bunch of other mercy (mostly pictures and art and other little things). We then wandered around over to the h.naoto booth (of course) to see our humans and double check any last minute merch. We chatted a little and got some great pictures of the magical people at the booth. 

I miss her! She's so magical!

Our day, like I said, didn’t have much planned for it. But we did want to go see the the J-Walk Fashion show of Japanese Street fashion. Unfortunately, my camera had serious complications. 


But the show itself was really great! It was really cool to get to see different styles of japanese fashion and even more exciting that the participants were people just like the rest of us- passionate about the style and filled with a desire to share something they love. There was obviously a lot of work that went into the show and I was very honored to get to see it.

This is Corissa and she's amazing and super talented!  You can find her on Instagram Here!

After the fashion show, we had another treat! A Lolita fashion show that show cased a lot of handmade pieces. It was exquisite! All of the lolitas were just wonderful and it was very inspirational to see. And especially nice to see all different kinds of lolitas. 

(Again, so sorry about the quality. I am garbage and so are these pictures.)

By this point, the day was winding to an end. We made our way around and said our good-byes, our ‘See you next year!’. It’s always sad at the end of Con, we have to bid adieu to our friends, both new and old, and we don’t really want to. But there it was. 

With one last Selfie of course!

And that was con! The whole event was spectacular and every year that I’m there, I’m always overwhelmed by the amount of love and joy that is packed in to just three days. Although this post is long over due, I want to give a huge, all encompassing THANK YOU to everyone involved. To the staff of the convention, who work so tirelessly to bring us such an event. To all the artists and booth employees who work grueling hours and put up with all of us with smiles and genuine enthusiasm and who bring us wonderful pieces. And to the many magnificent humans I met along the way. Can’t wait for this year. It’s going to be even better! :)

Here are the remanding pictures from the fashion shows!

***It you know any of the members of either fashion show, PLEASE let me know so i can tag them appropriately!!!